Mr. Met and 49 Others Score Board of Ed Write-in Votes

Mr. Met has received electoral support before.


(PHOTO: Mr. Met, someone's dream candidate.)

Fifty different individuals received write in votes for the Rye School Board election that was held Tuesday, dividing 64  votes among the group. The word "None" was also written in three times – makes you wonder what was going through that person (s) head…

Leading the write-in pack at four (4) votes a piece was Jim Culyer, a past Board president, and Doug Tuttle, a Rye teacher.

Right behind them were Steve Feeney (the "OG"), Abby Tuttle (clearly a power couple) and "None" – references above – each with three votes.

That leaves a handful of folks with two votes and everyone else with one vote. Good news reader, that means you alone could make yourself a write-in contender! Start planning now to make a difference next May!

Some other vote recipients? Mr. Met, David Ortiz, Rob Gronkowski, Theodore Roosevelt, Jefferson Davis and William Clinton.

Read the full list.


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