Rye Commish on the PO Talk: Underage Parties, Vaping, The Anonymous Tip Line & More

Rye PD presented at the Rye High Parents Org on Thursday, and we asked Rye Commish Michael Corcoran what all the fuss was about. Here is what he told MyRye.com:

Rye Commish

"Sergeant Al Hein and Sergeant Julio Rossi represented the Rye Police Department at this morning’s meeting with the Parent’s Organization. Both sergeants are excellent ambassadors for the police department and perform their duties every day with pride and professionalism.

Topics discussed were:

  • Consequences of hosting underage parties
  • Junior driver’s license regulations
  • Importance of monitoring children’s behavior and social media habits
  • Anonymous Tip Line
  • Adopt a School Program
  • Vaping and associated paraphernalia

The presentation was well received and provided ample time for questions and answers. Discussions like this are a part of our robust community policing programs. This year we have had the privilege of hosting or to speaking groups of all ages. We have hosted tours at the police station for the Boy’s and Girl Scouts, pre- schools and have visited the senior citizens at their meetings at Rye Recreation. We also serve as liaisons to the Chamber of Commerce, Rye ACT, Human Rights Commission and Rye Clergy.

I am particularly proud of the relationship we have built with the school district under the leadership of Dr. Eric Byrne. Eric is a true partner in everything that we do that impacts our kids and keeps them safe. I am grateful for the privilege to work with him and his staff.

If there are any groups that would like the Police Department to come and speak with them, they can call my office at 914-967-1234 x2013 or e-mail me at [email protected]"


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