With the warm weather finally upon us and school coming to an end, the City of Rye Police Department is urging drivers to slow down. “This time of the year brings more pedestrians and bicyclists on to the roadways,” said City of Rye Commissioner of Public Safety, Michael C. Corcoran, Jr.

Speeding endangers everyone on the road and is listed as a contributing factor in nearly one third of all fatal crashes in New York State. More than 42,000 people die as the result of traffic crashes each year on our nation's highways and hundreds of thousands are seriously injured. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for people ages 3 to 33.

Corcoran added, “Our top priority, as with all traffic enforcement, is safety. Throughout the summer, we will have enforcement details in strategic locations throughout the City, including major thoroughfares and residential areas. Please buckle up, slow down, follow posted speed limits and put your electronic devices down. These proactive actions will reduce the number of motor vehicle accidents and increase the chances of everyone arriving at their destinations safely.”


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