Rye Jewish Student, Catholic University – NY Times Mention

Shainberg notre dame

A NY Times piece "Some College Students Choose a School Where They Don’t Fit, on Purpose" featured Rye's Jonah Shainberg, for being Jewish and choosing the Catholic Notre Dame. Shainberg is best known locally for his fencing prowess.

The excerpt:

"That was the case for Jonah Shainberg, a fencer from Rye, N.Y., who is Jewish. When he was accepted to Notre Dame, a football-heavy Catholic university in Indiana, his mother balked at the idea.

“I’m not sending my Jewish son to Notre Dame,” Mr. Shainberg recalled her saying. He was also skeptical. 

But once he was there, Mr. Shainberg, who graduated this year with a bachelor’s degree in business administration, discovered something about himself he had not totally understood before: His faith was central to his identity.

“I think Notre Dame made me more Jewish,” he said."

Read the rest.


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