9-11 Remembrance Tuesday, 5:30pm at Locust Avenue Firehouse
There will be a 9-11 remembrance on Tuesday at 5:30pm at the Rye Locust Avenue firehouse.
(PHOTO: in 2011, a few hundred Rye residents and many local officials attended the City of Rye 9/11 Tenth Anniversary Commemoration Ceremony. The opening ceremonies were held on the grounds of the Locust Avenue Fire House followed by a procession to the 9/11 Memorial Gazebo.)
The service is open to the public and will commemorate the victims of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
It is our privilege, in particular, to remember our Rye neighbors lost that day:
▪ Thomas Crotty
▪ Benjamin Fisher
▪ Yugi Goya
▪ W. Ward Haynes
▪ Takashi Kinoshita
▪ Gary E. Koecheler
▪ Teddy Maloney
▪ Francis N. McGuinn
▪ Robert McLaughlin, Jr.
▪ Christopher D. Mello
▪ George W. Morell
▪ Sean Gordon O’Neill
▪ Thomas A. Palazzo
▪ Michael J. Simon
▪ Allen V. Upton