Rye Dem Operative Publishes on Kavanaugh in NY Times

Rye resident, Democratic party operative and former Rye City Council candidate Meg Cameron had a letter to the editor published in the New York Times last week. The letter was one in series published on the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court nomination:


(PHOTO: Rye Democratic operative Meg Cameron.)

"To the Editor:

I was distressed to read “This I Believe About Blasey v. Kavanaugh” (column, Sept. 22), in which Bret Stephens joins the chorus of men saying that without definitive proof, innocence must be presumed.

Presumption of innocence is essential in a criminal trial. However, the Kavanaugh hearings are not a criminal trial. They are a job interview. In a job interview, the onus is on the applicant to demonstrate suitability.

Odds are that the alleged attack happened too long ago to be corroborated. It may nonetheless be true. If an investigation leaves it in the plausible category, Brett Kavanaugh should not be confirmed. After all, he is applying for a job that will make him one of the most powerful people in the world. A credible accusation of assault might disqualify a man from a job as a fry cook. Why should a Supreme Court nominee be held to a lesser standard?

Meg Cameron
Rye, N.Y."

Read the series.


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