Man Who Killed Three Friends in DUI to Talk at Rye High

A man who killed three of his friends in a drunk driving accident will deliver a presentation DUI: A Powerful Lesson at Rye High School on Tuesday, March 5th, 2019 at 7pm at the Rye High School Performing Arts Center. The presentation is for community members, students and parents and there is no cost.

Mark Sterner Rye High event announcement

Mark Sterner will focus on the topic of impaired driving, and help students realize that the simple choice they make, like drinking and driving, can cause an everlasting impact on their friends, families and themselves. Students will be hearing Mark Sterner’s message during assemblies over the course of the school day.

See a preview of Sterner's talk here:

See these media reports from other local talks by Sterner:

Mark Sterner speaks to students to prevent more DUI deaths

Man’s story a sobering reminder


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