Rye School Bond: NO — Only 18 Votes Sway Result


The results for the $80 million Rye school bond are in: NO

Don't ever say your vote does not count.

NO Votes: 1,475 or 50.3%
YES Votes: 1,457 or 49.7%

A total of 139 absentee ballots were received.

In an email school boss Eric Byrne said "The infrastructure needs of the School District's buildings remain, and the Administration and Board of Education will have to consider how to address the needed work to remedy them. We thank the members of the community who took the time to educate themselves about the bond and came out to vote today."

The bond was intended to raise $80 million (see a presentation). Pages on the school district web site have an overviewfrequently asked questions as well as a video of Superintendent Eric Byrne giving an overview of the bond. For a Rye homeowner with a $1.68 million dollar home, the average monthly tax impact would have been $3.23. 


(PHOTO: Vote and eat too.)

Supporters of arranged food trucks outside the school to lure commuters and other end of day voters teetering on whether to make the drive over to the middle school to cast a ballot. Those against the bond launched a robo call to Rye voters.



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