Rye Schools Plan to Move Graduation Venue, Parents Freak Out


(PHOTO: Rye High graduation on Nugent field, 2017.)

It was rising and angry mob. On Facebook.

"The Graduation for the class of 2020 should be on the turf at Nugent field like all those that came before them. Nothing else is acceptable"

"This is not something you decide on your own. You don't exclude all those families that you practically invited into your living room last year and asked for their support in funding an 80M bond, it just seems like on really stupid move."

"I think any high school graduation should take priority over a few football games"

"We pay a lot of taxes to live in this beautiful town and our kids have earned the privilege to use it"

"ridiculous and unfair"

"He [Superintendent Eric Byrne] has to do this, it's his job. Don't forget who is working for who. This is far from over."

The over 150 comments on Facebook were in response to a letter, sent by Rye schools to parents last Thursday, saying that due to the planned renovation of Nugent Stadium turf field and the Yedowitz Track in the wave of the $80 million dollar school bond passing, the graduation venue would be moved in 2020 to the Capitol Theatre in Port Chester. "…an unfortunate repercussion of the upcoming construction is that we will have to move the graduation ceremony for the Class of 2020. I fully understand the potential impact this has on students and families. I am sorry students will not be able to participate in the traditional ceremony in the stadium, as I know many of them have looked forward to this since they matriculated at Rye High School. Unfortunately, this venue change cannot be avoided. Please know that we will be working hard over the coming months to ensure that your seniors have a terrific graduation day," said the letter from High School Principal Patricia Taylor. 

Within six hours, in the wake of the firestorm of incensed parents, the venue change is now under review. "Given the feedback we are receiving, we will continue to explore options related to graduation in the coming weeks," said the follow-up email, now signed by both Byrne and Taylor.

No doubt the story will continue to unfold… 

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  1. this is best news in Rye in last decade

    i promise you the parents screaming have never been to a Rye graduation

    it has always been 90+ degrees disaster . An utter sweatbox . Old people fainting and miserable people sweating like a 290 pound tackle in August pre-season practice

    thank you Patty Taylor for some sanity

  2. I have been to 3 Rye High School Graduations and find moving the the 2020 graduation ceremony to any other city more than “insane.” It is deeply disrepectful to students, parents, families and neighbors.
    Considering this break in tradition is due to a problem scheduling field repairs makes one
    question the Board’s real academic priorities
    and management skills.
    Of course these matters bring us back to the $80 million bond measure which won by the narrowest of margins and sought to make “turf” work costs appear de minimis and essential. Not!
    In sum, Rye High School’s Athletic Field is the only appropriate location for the Rye High School
    Graduation of the Class of 2020. Go Garnets!
    Go away all pathetic excuses for progress.

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