Scrappers, Parking, Muddy, Move’in Money: Rye City Council Agenda for October 16, 2019
(PICTURE: Rye City Hall by local artist Heather Patterson)
The city council's agenda for its meeting on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 is out.
The council will meet at 7:30pm in the City Council chambers. The Council will convene at 6:30pm and adjourn into Executive Session to discuss attorney-client privileged matters, personnel matters and labor negotiations.
Office Hours of the Mayor by appointment by emailing or contacting the City Manager’s Office at (914) 967-7404.
Meetings are also aired on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We'll also see you on the Internet (live and archive).
Let's check the batting order and highlights from the 20 agenda items.
- Open Mic. Residents may be heard on matters for Council consideration that do not appear on the Agenda.
- Play Ball. Presentation regarding Nursery Field Turf Project and consideration of a resolution declaring the City Council’s Intent to be Lead Agency pursuant to SEQRA and directing that the project advance to the Planning Commission for wetland review and an advisory coastal consistency determination.
- Scrappers. Update on Food Scrap Recycling program.
- Cold in Here. Open a public hearing to add Article VI “Vestibules” to Chapter 167 (Streets and Sidewalks) of the City Code of the City of Rye to facilitate the use and implementation of vestibules on the City’s sidewalks, allowing commercial properties to insulate interiors in a safe and proper manner.
- Sit Down. Open a public hearing on a local law amending §197-86 of the Code of the City of Rye to Amend the Regulation of Accessory Seasonal Outdoor Customer Seating.
- Organized. Ratify the Memorandum of Agreement with the CSEA, Local 1000 AFSCME, AFL-CIO, City of Rye Clerical Unit and Westchester County Local 860 union. Roll Call.
- Parking. Authorize the City Manager to create ten (10) new parking spaces for MTA in the MTA lot and provide parking waivers for retail employees.
- Results. Report of the City’s 3rd Quarter financial results by the Deputy Comptroller.
- Muddy. Authorize a request from the Boat Basin Commission to transfer $150,000.00 from the Boat Basin unassigned fund balance to Boat Basin Unrestricted Net Assets to cover the cost of the Biological Testing and the purchase of a hauling trailer. Roll Call.
- Hear Ye, Hear Ye. Resolution to increase the Corporation Counsel Retainer Agreement by $20,000 for the remainder of 2019 to allow for a Legal Assistant. Roll Call; and Resolution to transfer $20,000 from General Fund-unassigned Fund Balance to Corporation Counsel Account. Roll Call.
- Move'in Money. Resolution to transfer 2018 Rye TV Fund-unassigned Fund Balance of $1,010,665 to the Capital Reserve Account. Roll Call.
- Thank You for Your Service. Consideration of a request by the American Legion Post 128 to conduct its usual Veterans’ Day observance on the Village Green on Monday, November 11, 2019 from 10:30 a.m. to 11:15 a.m. In case of rain, the American Legion Post 128 requests the use of City Hall on that date and time.
- Patronage. Appointments to Boards and Commissions, by the Mayor with Council approval.
The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2019 at 7:30 p.m.
The Mayor and City Council have office hours in the Mayor’s Conference Room Annex at Rye City Hall, 1051 Boston Post Road. Attendance by the Mayor and Council Members will vary. The Mayor’s Conference Room Annex is located on the 1st floor of City Hall adjacent to the Council Chambers. Hours are as follows:
Mondays 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Wednesdays 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
Why isn’t the city manager being fired last week as well as who the new acting city manager is are not on tonight’s agenda?
Shouldn’t the public know why he was fired and who is currently running the City of Rye?
Why does Mayor Cohn refuse to respond to questions from taxpayers and the press in response to questions concerning the firing?
Why did Cohn cancel today’s City hall office hours?