TOMORROW: Zero Waste Day Recycling Event at Rye Playland Saturday, November 9th

REMINDER: Zero Waste Day is tomorrow, a great opportunity to clean out the house…

Get ready to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Zero Waste Day D&D Logo

Zero Waste Day, held in conjunction with Westchester County’s Household Recycling Drop Off Day, will be Saturday, November 9, 2019 at Rye Playland. You can clean out your attic and donate items for reuse, and clean out the nasty chemicals in your garage and bring them for safe disposal. The event will take place from 9am to 3pm, rain or shine, in Rye Playland's parking lot.

Participating organizations are looking for a range of donations, from gently-used furniture and bicycles to dorm supplies and soccer gear. The county will accept many items that don’t qualify for regular curbside recycling, such as tires, e-waste, and household chemicals. The county shredder will also be available. Details can be found at

The 2018 event was a huge success: organizers counted over 3,000 cars, and they are confident that the response will be equally enthusiastic this year. Student members of Rye High School’s Environmental Club have volunteered to help unload donations and direct traffic. “As awareness grows, more and more Westchester residents are grateful for the opportunity to recycle and donate,” says County Legislator Catherine Parker, one of the organizers of Zero Waste Day. “It is truly a win-win: a chance to help the environment, support worthy causes, and give unused household items a new lease on life.”

Zero Waste Day


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