Rye School Spring Break, COVID-19 Style, Will Be Week of April 6th

We just ordered some sun lamps on Amazon and booked our living room for the week of April 6th. And I think some of us might spend part of that first weekend in the attic. Fun family time!

Time to put your spring break plans in place, COVID-19 social isolation style.

Rye schools, in a note Friday morning, announced "spring break will take place as originally scheduled from April 6-13, and will serve as a true ‘break’ from school work". Note April 6th is a Monday and school re-opens (on your computer) the following Tuesday.

The full note is below.

What are your plans? Leave a note in the comments!


Dear Rye Community,

I hope you are well and staying healthy. As we wrap up our second week of remote learning, I have been hearing wonderful feedback about the work our faculty, staff, and students are doing and anticipate that we will continue to evolve our practice and build on the success of the first weeks. While I know that remote learning does not replace the high-quality instruction that we typically see in classrooms with our teachers, we are committed to delivering a strong program and supporting our students during this extended closing. 

While we await guidance from Governor Cuomo and County Executive George Latimer on when schools will reopen, we must continue to work within the agreed-upon calendar and teacher contract for the 2019-20 school year as much as possible.  Therefore, spring break will take place as originally scheduled from April 6-13, and will serve as a true ‘break’ from school work. Teachers will not be posting new assignments or delivering instruction. We hope that students and teachers will use the time off to unplug from school work, re-energize, connect with family and friends, and spend some (socially-distanced) time outdoors as the weather becomes finer.  These uncertain times have placed a great deal of stress and anxiety on us all. Please take the time to care for yourselves and those you care about. Please visit the Challenge Success website for tips about the importance of playtime, downtime and family time: "PDF" Tips during COVID-19  Remote learning will resume on Tuesday, April 14.  We continue to remain on track to deliver 180 days of schooling as required by New York State. 

Food provision for our families in need continues and will continue through spring break. Grab and go breakfast and lunch meals are available at Rye High School cafeteria from 8 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. on weekdays.

As you know, New York State has cancelled the grades 3-8 State tests for this spring. We are still awaiting information regarding the administration of Regents exams. We sent a communication regarding AP exams to RHS students and parents on Tuesday. Essentially, the College Board has announced that the exams will be administered online as 45-minute open note, open response format tests. We expect to hear more from the College Board about AP exams on April 3 and will communicate what we learn.

Thank you to everyone in the RCSD family for their continuing support. These are challenging times, but we will get through this together and come out on the other end a stronger community. Be well!


Dr. Eric Byrne

Superintendent of Schools


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