142 COVID-19 Positive in Rye; 962 Westchester Resident Deaths – Monday, April 27, 2020

George Latimer COVID-19 briefing April 27-2020

(PHOTO: Zooming Rye guy and Westchester County boss George Latimer appeared with fellow County Legislators during his April 27, 2020 press briefing on COVID-19.)

Westchester County is reporting 142 COVID-19 positive cases in Rye as of Monday, April 27, 2020. Note: No updates were ever released for last Friday.

During his daily briefing, Rye guy and county boss George Latimer was joined by Board of Legislators Chairman Ben Boykin and fellow County Legislators for the virtual signing of a new property tax relief measure to help Westchester taxpayers facing financial difficulty this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The new law compliments the Executive Order Latimer was granted by Governor Andrew Cuomo to go forward with his plan to remove late fees for County residents and business for the late payment of their property taxes. The bill authorizes towns to reduce late-payment penalties for all other town property tax payers, regardless of specific hardship qualification, by as much as 80 percent through July 15.

Just like everyone else, Latimer is looking at the NY State COVID-19 tracker for county and state level statistics on the pandemic. The COVID-19 numbers:

  • Fatalities of Westchester residents: 962
  • Fatalities at Westchester nursing homes – note reporting is only available for certain individual nursing & care facilities – State is not showing any reporting on Rye facilities (nothing on The Osborn home, Rye Manor or Vienna Senior Housing)
  • Fatalities in Westchester: 1,077
  • Numbers of persons tested: 87,736
  • Tested positive: 28,007
  • % Positive results: 31.9%
  • Persons tested today: 1,764
  • New positives today: 343



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