County Releases Local Numbers – 50 COVID-19 Positives in Rye as of Saturday, April 4, 2020

COVID-19 Positives Westchester County as of April 4, 2020
















(PHOTO: Map shows COVID-19 positives in Westchester County by municipality as of Saturday, April 4, 2020)

Westchester County is reporting 50 positive COVID-19 numbers in Rye as of Saturday, April 4th, 2020. The county sent the update out in map form, showing the COVID-19 cases across the county.

Just yesterday the county was struggling to provide local numbers.

Note:The total number of cases in Westchester County as of 4/04 is 12,717. Of these, 5,343 have confirmed addresses and 7,347 have no confirmed addresses. 25 have been released from isolation.

There does not seem to be an updated death number provided in the county data just released – we are asking if one is available.


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