Rye Loses Athletic Director to Sleepy Hollow – Arias Ends Four Year Run

Rye Athletic Director Mike Arias will leave effective July 1st to become the athletic director at Sleepy Hollow High School. Arias ends a four year run in Rye, after joining from Keio Academy, a private school.

Mike Arias Rye Athletic Director






(PHOTO: Mike Arias.)

In a letter to the administration dated Friday, Arias said in part “I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity be a part of such a wonderful athletic program and school community. I leave with a heavy heart but know that the program is in a great place.” (the entire letter is below).

Rye school boss Eric Byrne said a national search would open this month with the aim of having a new director in place this summer. The district also has searches open for the principals of the high school and Milton school.

Back in 2016, Arias replaced Rod Mergardt, who served for one year as a temporary replacement after Rob Castagna left the district and until Arias was hired.

Here is Arias’ letter:

April 3rd, 2020

Dear Students, Parents, and Community Members,

I hope this finds you all well during this most difficult and unprecedented time. I wanted to share with you all that I will be leaving the Rye City School District after the completion of the School year to pursue another professional opportunity in the Public Schools of the Tarrytowns as the Director of PE, Health, and Athletics.

It was not an easy decision by any means, but a decision that I feel confident is best for my family and I at this time. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity be a part of such a wonderful athletic program and school community. I leave with a heavy heart but know that the program is in a great place. Over the past four years we have been able to continue to build and foster a championship level environment for students to thrive in. More importantly, with the help of our amazing coaching staff and community support, we have been able to provide students with the opportunity to realize their full potential as young men and women. That without question is what I am most proud of.

I also want to thank my incredible support staff Al Mercado and Donna Sorkin for all that they do for our athletic program and community. Their efforts don’t always get recognized but I can tell you they are a big reason for the success of our program and it has been my absolute pleasure to work alongside both of them the past few years.

And of course, I want to say thank you to our incredible student athletes. Your passion, commitment, and excitement to compete in our programs are the reason it is so special to come to work each day. I am thankful that I have had the opportunity to see all of your successes both inside and outside the competitive playing arena and look forward to your continued successes in life.

Wishing you all the very best as we all navigate through these uncertain times. We will all get through this together.

Go Garnets!


Michael Arias


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