Rye Mom Raises $37K towards Protective Gear for Medical Workers

Molly Howson

This writer knows Molly Howson from her tireless fundraising as part of the Osborn School PTO years ago.

The Rye mom is at it again. This time, she is raising money and delivering protective gear to frontline medical workers facing the COVID-19 pandemic.

News 12 had a write-up:

“A Rye mother is lending a helping hand to front-line medical workers, by raising money to get them protective gear they desperately need.

Molly Howson initially wanted to donate hand sanitizer to emergency workers, but social media helped the gesture take on a life of its own. In less than a month, she raised more than $37,000…

A total of 7,000 pieces of protective gear has been distributed to more than 15 different facilities, including hospitals and nursing homes throughout the Hudson Valley, New York City and Connecticut.”

Want to help? You can donate via Howson’s fundraising page.

Watch the news video:


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