Welcome to the Storytelling Project, Episode #4 with Former Rye Mayor Doug French

Welcome to the Rye Free Reading Room & MyRye.com Storytelling Project, Episode #4!

RFFR MyRye.com Storytelling Project Episode #4 - former Rye Mayor Doug French


Over the last few weeks we have asked various Rye citizens – elected officials, city staff, community leaders and local authors – to read a story for the youngest citizens of Rye. Each day, we will share a new story.

Today, former Rye Mayor Doug French reads Peter Brown’s Children Make Terrible Pets. French served as Rye’s Mayor from 2010 to 2014. He is a corporate marketing executive and community leader having also served on many boards and commissions including Rye Recreation and most recently the League of Women Voters, Rye Lions, and Westchester County Board of Ethics.

He has lived in Rye since 1987 with his family including daughter Kim (in video), son Max (cameraman), and rescue dog Rico (also in the video).

Enjoy the video and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of new episodes & other Rye news.

Prior Episodes:

Episode #1 with Rye Mayor Josh Cohn reading Todd Parr’s The Peace Book

Episode #2 with Rye Author Annabel Monaghan reading Sophie Blackall’s Hello Lighthouse.

Episode #3 with Rye Rec’s Sally Rogol reading Jane Godwin’s Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty Brown Mouse.


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