“LOVE RYE” Campaign Needs Your Help to Top $100K
Eight hundred of your Rye neighbors have one of these colorful red signs in their yard.
In the wake of our article just two weeks ago, the three Rye Moms behind the “LOVE RYE” campaign have raised an additional $40,000 to alleviate local COVID-19 impacts, with the running total at over $80,000 as of Friday afternoon. “We saw a big bump in sales from your first article,” organizer Lisa Hogan told us.
But there is more work to be done.
The group has an additional 200 signs it needs to sell before it formally ends the campaign next Friday, May 22, 2020. Hitting that marker will mean over $100,000 for the three recipient groups:
- Over 125 local Rye mom & pop shops – to help with things like rent, utilities and maintaining staff;
- Bread of Life to provide food & essentials to those in need including food-insecure children, single parents and home-bound seniors;
- Caritas of Port Chester to deliver food to those in need in Port Chester and the surrounding community via a soup kitchen and food pantry.
“It’s a virtual hug of sorts” for the community, said organizer Karen Schulz. The group has already sent an initial round of funds to Bread of Life and Caritas of Port Chester. The donations will “help us to work with more restaurants to get more meals out to people,” Bill Cusano, executive director at Caritas of Port Chester told MyRye.com. “It also keeps the restaurants and the caterers open.”
You can make a donation online. A one hundred dollar donation will get you a bright shinny “LOVE RYE” sign planted in your front lawn.
Hello loverye
My name is Lisa Cibelli of Le Beastro pet grooming.(business recipient of donation)
Wow,yes I do feel the love!!!!
and was so shocked,surprised and elated when I opened your letter and found such a a thoughtful, generous gift ,from this wonderful community I have been So fortunate to be a part of for 25 years…I thank you!..and I am humbled…our tails are wagging ,we are opened and remain diligent to keep our clients and staff,safe and happy .
Thank you again.
Be well
Lisa Cibelli
Le Beastro ????