Online Screening of Environmental Film Offered by Bird Homestead This Weekend

Bird - Room to Grow movie

The Bird Homestead and Meeting House Conservancy is offering an online screening of the award-winning environmental film, “The Need to Grow”. The film will be available to view between Saturday, May 9th through Monday, May 11th.‬

The film estimates that we only have 60 years of farmable soil left on Earth, mostly due to unsustainable agriculture. It also introduces an invention that can help solve our broken ecosystem. Can it have a positive effect on the agricultural-industrial complex? Will it face backlash?

Narrated by Rosario Dawson, the film follows underdog leaders pushing for solutions and cutting-edge technologies to regenerate our planet’s dying soils. With more toxic chemicals sprayed than ever before, seed varieties going extinct, bees dying off, historic water shortages, and epidemics of malnutrition, they maintain that the time to heal our food system and our environment is now.

Directions for getting a password for online viewing are below. There is no cost to this program.

Watch the trailer:

Warning: Although an admirable young Girl Scout is one of the protagonists, the film contains a scene that may be jarring to young children.

Please email ‪[email protected]‬ if you would like to view the film ‪on May 9 through May 11‬ at any time of the day. We will email you a link and password this ‪Friday, May 8.‬ Running time is 96 minutes.


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