Q&A with Jim Culyer, Board of Education Candidate

Welcome to the MyRye.com Q&A series with your seven (7) board of education candidates. The seven candidates are running for two open seats. The seven candidates are James Culyer, Vivek Kamath, Pooja Kotecha, John Leonard, Petra Nemeth, Mia Schultz and Tom Stein.

Election ballots will be mailed to voters automatically. You do not need to submit an absentee ballot application for this election (you do need to submit an absentee ballot application for the June 23rd primary elections). Ballots must be received in the school district offices by 5pm on June 9, 2020.

You will be voting on the proposed school budget as well as the board of education candidates.

Today we are pleased to present the MyRye.com Q&A with board of education candidate Jim Culyer:

James (Jim) Culyer, Rye, NY Board of Education candidate 2020

Your Name: James (Jim) Culyer

MyRye.com: Why are you running for school board? 

Culyer: I am experienced and uniquely qualified, having previously served on the RCSD Board of Education (12 years) and as BoE President (4 years). With today’s uncertainty in education, I believe these skills, with proven leadership, are necessary to help maintain the quality education our children in Rye deserve.

Why are you running for school board now

The COVID 19 virus pandemic has brought to the RCSD, new and different challenges. I believe my experience can help navigate the troubled waters of today and help maintain the quality education our children in Rye deserve while maintaining healthy financial stability.

Yes or No: did you support and vote for the $80 million school bond that passed in 2019?


Yes or No: do you support and plan to vote in favor of the current as-proposed school budget of $92 million going to vote on June 9th?


What are three ways Rye schools may need to adapt in the wake of COVID-19? 

Not knowing what Governor Cuomo will be mandating come June 30th; It’s difficult to be specific in determining how Rye schools may need to adapt, however below are three possible areas to be explored:

  1. Continued Distance Learning
  2. Possible Split Sessions
  3. Possible Smaller Class Size

What are the three biggest opportunities / challenges facing the Rye schools over the next 3-5 years?

  1. Maintaining the quality education Rye is known for.
  2. Maintaining a strong and healthy financial picture.
  3. Ensuring the completion of the district wide projects, recently approved by the community in the $80,000,000 Bond.

What are the three biggest areas for cost containment with the Rye schools over the next 3-5 years?

Until Governor Cuomo tells the schools what is expected of them come September, there is no right or wrong answer to your question on cost containment. Rye schools have lead Westchester County in maintaining a very low cost per student basis for years. I believe a goal for RCSD would be to maintain that ratio while also maintaining the quality education they continue to provide to our students, through high quality teachers, administration and staff.

What is your favorite book? 

I can’t name on specific favorite however one of the books I’ve recently read is “Second Chances” by Erin McHugh.

What are you watching these days? 

Last Man Standing, NCIS, NCIS LA, NCIS New Orleans, FBI, Bull, CBS News, Fox News

How many years have you lived in Rye?


Thanks, Jim!

Jim Culyer’s social media:

Twitter (n/a)

Official bio provided to MyRye.com:

Jim Culyer moved to Rye, 37 years ago, with his wife (Cathy Amendola, RHS Class of ’75). All three of their children attended Rye Schools from Midland Elementary School through Rye Middle School and graduated from Rye High School. Jim has six Grandchildren, two of which are currently attending Midland Elementary School, a grandson is at CCNS and three grandchildren living in Virginia. As an active Rye parent, Jim was involved with Rye United Way, Rye Little League, Rye Girls Sports, Rye Boy Scouts, Midland School Fair, and the Sports Booster Clubs at the High School level. Jim continued his community involvement with the Rye City School District serving on their facilities committee as well as their technology committee; while serving four (4) elected terms to the RCSD Board of Education.

“The COVID 19 virus pandemic has brought to the RCSD, as well as everyone, new and different challenges. I am experienced and uniquely qualified, having previously served on the Rye City School District Board of Education for twelve (12) years. I served as BoE Vice President for two (2) years and also as Board of Education President for four (4) years. I am prepared to assist in meeting these challenges of COVID19 as well as any other situations head on. With today’s uncertainty in Education, I believe these skills, with proven leadership, are necessary to help maintain the quality education our children in Rye deserve while maintaining healthy financial stability.”


One Comment

  1. I really enjoy reading the postings. It keeps me up with what happening in my former home. And sometimes I see or read about someone I know. I moved to Charleston ( Daniel Island) SC 15 years ago after my husband, Rev Dr Richard Murdoch died. But I still like to know what happening. Judy Murdoch

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