Rye Schools to End Seven Days Early – What You Need to Know

The Rye school year will end seven days earlier than originally planned.

RYE SCHOOLS June 17, 2020 close

The change is related to unions contracts on days worked. Once the students were taught through the week of spring break vacation during the earlier days of the pandemic, that meant those school days were then removed from the end of the year.

Here is what you need to know:

  • Rye schools will end on Wednesday, June 17th;
  • Rye schools will also be in session for the two unused “snow days” – Friday, May 22nd and Tuesday, May 26th.

The announcement was made by schools boss Eric Byrne in an email. The schools also realize some students still have possessions in the various school buildings, or materials that need to be returned. They are working on a procedure to handle all this.

The full communication follows.

“Dear RCSD Community,

As you know, Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order closed schools for the remainder of the school year with a continuation of remote learning. Our school year was to have ended on Friday, June 26. When the Governor mandated continuous remote schooling during what would have been our spring break week, we exceeded the mandated 180 days of schooling, and our faculty and staff are seven days over their contracted work days. As a result, the last day of school in the RCSD will be Wednesday, June 17. Governor Cuomo has also mandated that schools must continue remote learning on any unused snow days, so remote schooling will be in session on May 22 and May 26.

We know there are students who have personal possessions still at the various school buildings, and school materials (library books, Chromebooks, etc.) to return. We are working on plans for each of the buildings to open to allow socially-distanced student access to lockers and enable them to drop off school items. Building Principals will communicate those plans to parents and students shortly along with information about any end of year programming and events.

Plans are afoot to celebrate the Class of 2020 on Sunday, May 31, with a town-wide Graduation Caravan from 2:00 -4:00 pm. The parade route begins at Playland and winds throughout the City of Rye. Please see the parade route map at bottom. We hope the Rye Community will step outside safely, remain socially distanced, and make some noise to celebrate our graduating seniors on what would have been their graduation day.

School construction is considered essential under the Governor’s ‘PAUSE’ order. Therefore, we are allowed to proceed with previously scheduled construction throughout the District. Starting next week, we will begin the following projects:

Rye Middle School curtain wall replacement
Rye High School and Rye Middle School electrical service upgrade
Rye High School and Rye Middle School bathroom renovations
Nugent Stadium turf and track replacement
Midland School electrical upgrade
Osborn School electrical upgrade

We are looking forward to seeing you, from a social distance, on May 31 if not before. In the meantime, stay well.

Eric Byrne, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools”


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