Austin Carballo Celebrates Nine Years

Birthday parties during the pandemic have become much more creative. Bowling parties are so passé.

On Tuesday evening, Austin Carballo celebrated his ninth birthday with a drive by birthday party in front of his home on Florence Avenue in Rye. A motorcade of about ten vehicles of family and friends, and an equal number of people on bicycles, paraded in front of the Carballo home.

After two passes in front of the house with horns-a-honking, people disembarked for ice cream, courtesy of Bill’s Good Humor. Masks were worn and ice cream was eaten in this new, new normal of life during the pandemic.

Austin, happy birthday. wishes you many happy, pandemic free years ahead, filled with Bill’s Good Humor.

Here are photos and a video from a memorable celebration. The Rye FD truck from Milton Point we think was an unscheduled, icing-on-the-cake, lucky drive-by:

And the video of the parade in action:


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