Heard in Rye Thursday: Parenting During COVID

Heard in Rye June 4th, 2020

The next Heard in Rye lecture is Thursday, June 4th, 2020 at 7:30pm on parenting during COVID. It will be online and registration is required.

  • Are you and your kids encountering social distancing fatigue as the quarantine continues?
  • As a parent, is it hard to know how to support your young adults during these uncertain times?
  • Is your young child exhibiting behaviors that you don’t know how to handle?

The presentation will be a panel discussion and Q&A with local professionals moderated by Heard in Rye’s co-chair Jennifer Reisner:

The panel will help parents and guardians gain insight into the particular challenges of children of all ages, from pre-schoolers to young adults. The experts will offer practical tips and tools to help families weather COVID-19. The format will feature a short presentation by each professional, with ample time for questions and answers.

You must pre-register to receive the Zoom meeting link.


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