Latimer To Wind Down Daily COVID-19 Updates

George Latimer COVID-19 briefing March 23, 2020

(PHOTO: Latimer at one of the early COVID-19 briefings on March 23, 2020.)

Rye guy and Westchester County Executive George Latimer will wind down his daily COVID-19 updates for the media and the public. “We will continue our 2pm Updates Mon-Thur (including today) through Monday, July 6,” Latimer told Thursday morning. “As mentioned, that’s the last day of Phase 3. No updates the next two Fridays (June 19 and 26). No more 11 am Facebook Live after today.”

Latimer has used the 2pm updates to re-count the daily COVID-19 statistics, talking about county level actions such as beach and park openings and closings, and to highlight the actions of local municipalities within the county. His 11am programming has had Latimer or Deputy Ken Jenkins interviewing other officials in regards to the pandemic.

“We’ll be getting back to normal – hopefully everyone will,” finished Latimer.


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