VIDEO: Black Lives Matter Speech by Rye Mayor Josh Cohn

BLM Speech Josh Cohn

About 1,000 of your neighbors participated in a Black Lives Matter protest and march on Saturday, June 13th.

The peaceful group gathered at Rye High School at 2pm and then marched to the village green for speeches from local officials and activists. The group then resumed its march, winding around Rye before ending back at the high school.

Here is the speech of Rye Mayor Josh Cohn. “Here in Rye, as in many towns, we have begun a review of our policing. And we, mind you, start with great confidence in our police,” said Cohn. “Despite our COVID related budget stress, we are buying body cameras for our officers – something our officers very much want.”

He continued “Ultimately each of us – me and all of you – must march in self examination, alone.”

Cohn’s speech was interrupted a few times from the crowd with shouts of “affordable housing in Rye”, “get black kids in Rye High School” and “de-fund the police”.

We’ll be posting more photos and videos of the march and various speeches here on through Monday, please check back.

Watch the video (run time 3:29):


One Comment

  1. Josh Cohn was the only speaker repeatedly heckled by the crowd of protesters. He’s an embarrassment to Rye.

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