Rye Schools Invite Community to Race & Inclusivity Task Force

The Black Lives Matter march on June 13, 2020 started and ended at Rye High School.
The Black Lives Matter march on June 13, 2020 started and ended at Rye High School.

In a note Monday evening, Rye schools boss Eric Byrne invited the community into its task force on race and inclusivity. The reach out invites residents to apply to be part of the task force by both expressing their interest and listing relevant experience. The message was sent before Tuesday’s board of education meeting.

It is currently unknown who is on the task force, but MyRye.com understands school officials have been speaking with various Rye high school students that have been involved with the Black Live Matter and LGBTQ+ events in Rye and students who have posted on the BIPOC Instagram account detailing stories of bias in the Rye schools. It is unknown what the specific role of these individuals will be on the task force, if any.

The note and link to the task force application are below.

“Dear Rye Community,

As educators, we are committed to providing a school environment that is inclusive, just, and focused on equity for all. As such, it is incumbent upon us to begin and pursue a conversation that explores the issues of racism, inclusivity, equity, and community in our schools.

We have begun to form a task force that will take on the challenge of ensuring that we provide a school environment that supports all students and provides equity in opportunity. We are committed to following a comprehensive process that will seek to identify areas where we fall short and determine opportunities for growth, and develop a plan that will ensure we achieve equity for all. The task force on race, inclusivity and community will focus on several key areas:

Student Support
Professional Development and Staff Support
Community Education
Data Collection and Analysis
Athletics and Extracurricular Activities

The task force will bring together stakeholders including students/alumni, faculty, and community members to participate in this important work. The task force will identify community-based organizations and experts in the field of equity to become our partners in this critically important work. The task force, currently composed of faculty and staff with varying backgrounds, will expand to include:

Current students
Families/community members

The task force will work to form partnerships with community organizations and outside experts for resources, expertise, and to extend the reach of the Rye City School District community beyond current students, parents, faculty, and staff. Interested community members who wish to participate on the task force are encouraged to complete a Task Force Application. Applications will be reviewed by current members of the task force and selected community members will be invited to join.

There is vital work to be done to create a more equitable, inclusive environment in our schools and we are committed to ensuring that change happens. As the task force moves forward with their work, we will provide regular communication to all stakeholders. We thank the task force in advance for their service to our schools and to the broader Rye community.


Dr. Eric Byrne
Superintendent of Schools”


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