Rye Schools Release Reopening Plan, Wait for Cuomo

Rye High SchoolNow it all hinges on Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The Rye School School District, per the State mandate to all districts, posted its reopening plan Friday night. The plan details what happens under three scenarios: fully in-person, fully remote, and a hybrid model.

If you remember, there are many layered parts happening at once. The next step is NY Governor Andrew Cuomo is expected to issue an executive order (some time between tomorrow, August 1st and next Friday, August 7th) that will direct how school districts to follow one of the three scenarios now outlined as they enter and as they continue through the school year.

Here is Rye’s school reopening plan. The letter from schools boss Eric Bryne to the community is just below. This Monday, August 3, at 7:00 PM, district administrators will present a summary of the plan to the Board of Education.

The letter:

“Dear Rye Community,

Over the past few months, our Reopening Task Force has worked to develop a reopening plan that meets all of the guidelines and mandates of the NYS Department of Health and the NYS Education Department. While we all wish that the pandemic would subside and that life could go back to the way it was, that just is not possible at this time. Our commitment to the health and safety of our students, faculty, and staff is the highest priority as we work to ensure the best possible educational experience for students.

A Path Forward in Learning – The Rye City School District Reopening Plan is a comprehensive document that provides preliminary operating recommendations in the following areas:

  • Health and Safety
  • Cleaning and Disinfection
  • Instruction
  • Special Education and Support Services
  • Technology and Connectivity
  • Social-Emotional Health
  • Food Service and Transportation

As per the State’s requirements, the plan provides details around what school would look like in three potential modalities: fully in-person, fully remote, and a hybrid model. Governor Cuomo has said that he will make a decision about school reopening the week of August 1-7.

On Monday, August 3, at 7:00 PM, District Administrators will present a summary of the plan to the Board of Education. The presentation will be posted on the School District website. I encourage you to read the plan and send questions or feedback to [email protected]. We would like to try to address as many questions as possible during the presentation, so please submit those by Sunday evening no later than 8:00 PM.

The plan is organized into sections to make it easier to find information that is most important to you. While we have worked to cover every detail and contingency, we know that there will be additions, modifications, and updates prior to and throughout the school year. The plan is a ‘living’ document that will constantly be revisited and updated as necessary. Using lessons learned from the extended closing last spring, our incredible group of teachers, administrators, parents, and students on the Task Force have worked to build a plan that addresses what is best for students, families, faculty, and staff. Nothing will be perfect with all that we are facing as a society and as a community. Through our support of each other, we will stay strong and succeed in providing a safe, nurturing, excellent school experience. Thank you.


Eric Byrne, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools”


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