Newbies: The District Welcomes Christina Monitto, Assistant Principal, Milton School

The Rye City School District is welcoming sixteen newbies this year. Most of these faces are new to the district, and a few are old hands in new positions.

The District welcomes Christina Monitto, Assistant Principal, Milton School.

Christina Monitto, Milton School, 2020

Prior to being named Milton School’s Assistant Principal in June, Ms. Monitto worked as an Academic Intervention Specialist at Milton and Osborn Schools and as an Integrated Co-teaching Staff Developer for grades K through 5 in the Rye City School District. Prior to coming to the RCSD, Ms. Monitto was Head Teacher in a third grade Integrated Co-Teaching Classroom for two years at P.S. 267 and Head Teacher for first and third grades at P.S. 6, both in Manhattan.

Ms. Monitto holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Childhood Education and History from Hunter College; a Master’s of Science in Special Education from Hunter College; a Master’s in Education in Educational Leadership from Teachers College, Columbia University; and a certificate of Advanced Study in School District Leadership from Manhattanville College, School of Education.


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