INTERVIEW: Meet Milton Elementary’s Assistant Principal, Christina Monitto

Christina Monitto, Milton School, 2020 sat down – virtually of course – with Christina Monitto, the new assistant principal at Milton School, and learned about her third grade field trip and weekend taco hunting.

Your name: Christina Monitto, Assistant Principal, Milton School What drew you into the field of education?

Monitto: My third grade teacher, Ms. Russian, inspired me to become the educator that I am today. My fondest memory of that year was when she entered our class into a New York City reading contest and we won. As our prize, we traveled to Albany to have a tour of the New York State capitol building. I will never forget this trip. Not only was this a very different kind of field trip (with fancy coach buses!) but it also took place on my birthday. Ms. Russian had a way of making all learning as engaging as possible for her students. As an educator of elementary students, I am always striving to do the same.

You have focused your career at the elementary school level – why?

Monitto: Elementary school for me was one of the best times in my educational life. Everything was new, exciting and my curiosity peaked every day. As I grew up, I found myself gravitating towards child-centered work, as a camp counselor or teaching cheer and gymnastics to young children at a local dance studio. My favorite thing about being a part of elementary children’s lives is having the opportunity to lead them to all of the “a-ha” moments they have during their time in elementary school. The excitement of teaching them something new and then watching them understand and apply new learning is one of the biggest reasons I have focused my career on the elementary school level.

You came to Rye in 2018 originally working at the Osborn Elementary School. What drew you to Rye?

Monitto: I grew up not too far from Rye, just right in the Mamaroneck/Larchmont area. When looking for a school district to transition from New York City, I was looking for a welcoming, warm, and student-centered learning environment where there were opportunities to grow and be a part of the larger school community in a variety of ways. The Rye City School District has given me this and so many other opportunities. Now being at Milton School, I truly feel like I have a home and am looking forward to building relationships with all of the school community members.

What are your three top priorities for the 2020-2021 school year?


  1. To build strong and collaborative relationships with all community members and stakeholders within the school district. Through my entry plan, I want to build off of the relationships I have already established here within the district and begin to learn even more from people I haven’t met yet.
  2. To develop a deep understanding of the culture within the Milton School community and learn how I can lend positive support to meet the social-emotional needs of all learners.
  3. To support all Milton teachers and staff throughout the hybrid and remote learning process, in order to help all students feel successful, both academically and socially.

Most people have followed the recent Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ activity and news in Rye and around the world. What is your prescription for students, teachers and staff? How can the schools make the best positive contribution?

Monitto: I believe schools can make the best positive contribution by focusing educational plans around promoting equity and inclusivity within their districts and communities. We need to use our platform to work with students to understand the importance of equity and inclusivity and how they can actively and positively participate in our larger community.

Christina Monitto, Milton School with family

(PHOTO: Monitto and her husband with some of her nieces.)

How do you spend your free time – what are some of your hobbies and passions? 

Monitto: In my free time, I love to spend time with my family and friends. My husband and I enjoy taking walks around our neighborhood, visiting our nieces and nephews, and hosting barbeques in our backyard. Our most favorite food is tacos. On the weekends, you can find us on the hunt for a new and delicious taco restaurant! We take any and all recommendations!

Thank you, Christina!


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