Over 5% of Students Opted-in for 100% Remote Learning (See Stats by School)

(PHOTO: Then Midland 4th Grader Egan Powers back in March enjoying remote, read aloud story time with canine classmate Fred.)

Rye Playland has been closed all season.

But Rye schools open Tuesday, and the school year promises to be a roller coaster ride for students, parents, teachers and staff.

Most students will be starting the school year under a hybrid in person and remote learning program. But just over 5% of the student body – 173 students representing 119 families across Rye – have opt-ed in for a full remote learning experience this fall semester.

The percentage of students varies between Rye Middle School with a high 6% of students opted-in for 100% remote learning to Milton School with a low of 2% of students opted-in for 100% remote learning.

Full stats follow:

School Enrollment Total Number 100% Remote Opt-in Percentage 100% Remote Opt-in
Rye High School 1,029 58 5.64%
Rye Middle School 759 47 6.19%
Midland School 501 27 5.39%
Milton School 377 8 2.12%
Osborn School 490 33 6.73%
TOTAL 3,156 173 5.48%



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