Student Blogger on Day Five of Pandemic School

Rye High School vlogger, Lesley Lachman - polycarbonate desk shield

(PHOTO: Rye High School vlogger, Lesley Lachman, sits behind one of the 3,500 polycarbonate desk shields purchased by Rye schools to deal with the pandemic.)

Rye High School video blogger, Lesley Lachman, has published Day 5 of her video diary on her experience of “pandemic” school in Rye. “The new normal is now comfortable,” said Lachman.

The video blogger will be on a New 12 special on “pandemic school” next Wednesday, September 30th at 7pm. At 7:30pm the show will feature a live round-table with teachers, school administrators and – you got it – Rye High School video blogger Lachman.

Watch day five (and if you missed day one to four, go here):


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