1st Annual Great Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Square House Rye, NY

If the squirrels have not eaten all your pumpkins, you might thing about B.Y.O.P. (Bring your own pumpkin) to the 1st Annual Great Pumpkin Decorating Contest.

The Rye Historical Society is inviting you to drop your painted, carved or otherwise decorated pumpkin to the Square House Sunday, October 25th between 10am and 12pm. Then visit the Square House all week long to see the amazing pumpkin display (and hope the squirrels don’t read MyRye.com and get there first).

The Historical Society promises prizes for the best creations as determined by its “expert” (but unknown) panel of judges. Participants must be between the ages of 4 and 18. Prizes for age groups: 4-9, 10-13 and 14-18 (sorry parents, no prizes for you!).

You must include an index card with the entrants name and phone number. Maximum Pumpkin Size – 25 pounds for you overachievers.



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