COVID-19 Forces Rye High Closure for Monday

A positive COVID-19 case has forced a closure of Rye High School for Monday, October 26, 2020. All classes will be remote while authorities conduct contact tracing.

The school expects to be able to open for Tuesday and intends to send further communication later in the day Monday.

The full notice follows:

The Rye City School District logo

From: Eric Byrne
Date: Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 7:02 AM
Subject: Rye High School Closed Today, Monday October 26
To: Rye City School District Recipients

Dear RCSD Families, Faculty and Staff-I apologize for the extremely short notice. We have just learned of an individual who is COVID-19 positive at Rye High School; the individual was last in the building on Thursday, October 22. The High School will be closed today, Monday, October 26, to allow for contact tracing. All students will attend school remotely; all teaching will be done remotely. We expect to be able to reopen the school building tomorrow. More information will follow later today.

Sincerely, Eric Byrne, Ed.D.Superintendent of Schools


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