Local Elections Results – Rye

NYS District 37 election 2020

MyRye.com will carry local election results with a focus on the 37th State Senate District race between State Senator Shelley Mayer and challenger Liviu B. Saimovici, MD. We have asked both candidates for comment on the results when available.

We will also carry results (won’t be a surprise) for and comment from for State Assemblyman Steve Otis (91st) who is running unopposed after winning a primary challenge from then local Democratic party head Meg Cameron.

Finally, we have our eyes on Congressional districts NY-16 and NY-17. Both had all the drama happen in the primaries and are expected to be taken by the Democrats, Mondaire Jones in 17 and Jamaal Bowman in 16.

We’ll also be posting results from the Boys Varsity Soccer game right around poll closing time for those more interested in sports!


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