30 New, 166 Active, 813 Total COVID-19 Positives in Rye; 1,736 Deaths in Westchester – Monday, January 11, 2021

George Latimer COVID-19 briefing January 11, 2021

(PHOTO: George Latimer at his COVID-19 briefing January 11, 2021.)

On Monday, Rye guy and Westchester County boss George Latimer held his COVID-19 briefing. During today’s bi-weekly, Latimer spoke a lot about the State run vaccine distribution. On Monday, the State opened vaccinations to the second “1.b.” group. He emphasized that the vaccination priority groups and the related processes are run by the State and not the county. Latimer also reported the Westchester County Center will become a vaccine distribution point.

On COVID infections, Latimer said “it is getting worse every singe day” before reporting 10,894 active COVID cases in the County. The number matches the number of infections the County saw back on April 10th, at the early height of the pandemic. As of Saturday, 504 people were hospitalized in County hospitals, taking approximately 20% of all hospital beds.

For Monday, January 11, 2021, Westchester reported the following City of Rye numbers via the County COVID dashboard.

813 total COVID-19 cases since inception;
166 active COVID-19 cases (this assumes the remaining 647 have run the average two week contagion cycle and are no longer active);
30  new COVID-19 cases

Just like everyone else, county executives look at the NY State COVID-19 tracker for county and state level statistics on the pandemic and at the NY State regional  monitoring dashboard to see our progress towards continued reopening.

The COVID-19 numbers:

Fatalities of Westchester residents: 1,736
Fatalities at Westchester nursing homes – The Osborn Home in Rye is reporting eight (8) confirmed COVID-19 nursing home deaths, six (6) presumed COVID-19 nursing home deaths and one (1) COVID-19 adult care facility death thru January 9, 2021.
Fatalities in Westchester: 1,888
Numbers of persons tested: 1,491,922
Tested positive: 75,176
% Positive results: 5.0%
Persons tested today: 13,201
New positives today: 1,019

Westchester - Rye NY COVID dashboard 01-11-2021


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