Rye Vlogger & Student Describes Remote December and Near Empty Classrooms in January

Rye vlogger (video blogger) and Rye High senior Lesley Lachman 2021-01

Rye vlogger (video blogger) and Rye High senior Lesley Lachman, who last month surveyed students via Instagram, posted a new video blog where she reports on being remote for December (Rye High was all remote) and how strange it is in January with so few students in the building for in person learning.

“I spent all of December in my room at home learning which was kind of a disappointment because we were all finally allowed back [in December] and then the whole month was taken from us,” said Lachman. Rye High went all remote in December after so many students, teachers and staff contracted or were exposed to COVID. So many were forced to quarantine the schools went all remote.

Returning to in person learning in January, Lachman is seen in various empty rooms in the school. In December, the schools changes the policy so students can elect remote learning even on their “in-person” days. Lachman reports that in January she has seen less than 100 students in the high school on a typical day. “It’s not really normal,” she said. Yep.

Watch her vlog:


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