Current Human Right Chair Tagger-Epstein Will Challenge Cohn For Mayor

Danielle Tagger-Epstein, chair of the City of Rye Human Rights Commission 

One political season ends, another one begins. Current Human Rights Chair and former Councilwoman Danielle Tagger-Epstein will challenge current Rye Mayor Josh Cohn for the top job. She announced her decision online.

Tagger-Epstein was interviewed by during her 2015 run for city council and again more recently in her capacity as the chair of the Rye Human Rights Commission this summer.

Here is her announcement:

“Friends and Neighbors

Today I come forward as a Democratic candidate for Mayor and respectfully ask for your support in the Democratic Primary.

To be mayor means to represent all the people of Rye in a transparent and respectful manner. Listening to stakeholders across our community, from residents, local businesses, and our treasured community organizations is critical. But getting to outcomes that prepare our city for the opportunities and challenges of today and tomorrow requires more than just listening. It requires balancing the interests of those stakeholders, while also being guided by Democratic principles and policies of social justice, preparation for climate change and fiscal responsibility.

Over the past three years, our City Council has become less transparent, less effectively run and more beholden to narrow interests. Even beyond the challenges of the pandemic, the public has been increasingly excluded from involvement in decisions. Personal grievances and agendas now guide the style and substance of leadership, replacing core Democratic values – indeed, Rye values – that are critical to good governance.

Issues are often complicated, and I recognize that frequently our residents will have competing objectives. This is both the beauty of the democratic process and its challenge: to allow a forum for healthy, respectful dialogue and debate. It has been my experience that where there is good will and good faith, we can bridge almost every issue without compromising core values and reaching best possible outcomes.

I am proud to be a Democrat, but also believe in reaching across the aisle to work with my Republican colleagues. This will not change. I will work for you and for Rye. As such, I have a track record of working with people and finding common cause to get positive things done.

I welcome the opportunity to meet with you and listen to the issues that you believe are most pressing for our community and city.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Look out for emails and posts in the coming days on ways you can help our campaign and beyond.

Let’s work together for a fair and open government that works for everyone.”


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