Heard in Rye Monday, 7pm: Strategies to Combat Sleep Issues in Childhood and Adolescence

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Dr. Shelby Harris will be the Heard in Rye speaker on Monday, March 1st at 7pm. She will discuss strategies to combat sleep issues in childhood and adolescence.

Dr. Shelby Harris Heard in Rye
Dr. Shelby Harris

Sleep is an important part of growth and development (physical, emotional and mental) in children and adolescence. Sadly this is something that is frequently overlooked or glossed over by clinicians, parents, and schools.

Dr. Harris will discuss the importance of sleep throughout the lifespan and what “normal” sleep looks like in different developmental stages. She will highlight common pediatric sleep disorders and challenges that parents frequently seek help for, and target some initial interventions to help families improve nighttime sleep.

You must register for this online event.

Not sure? Watch Harris discuss cognitive behavior therapy and its benefits in treating sleep disorders:


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