Mayoral Challenger, a 2017 Weapons Charge & Dirty Politics

Danielle Tagger-Epstein photo 2

(PHOTO: Mayoral challenger Danielle Tagger-Epstein.)

Last week we told you the gloves were off in the race for mayor of Rye between incumbent Rye Mayor Josh Cohn and challenger Danielle Tagger-Epstein. The evidence last week was an email with a “stink” that showed a division between Democratic district leaders with one group looking to smear challenger Tagger-Epstein. Mayor Cohn said he was unaware of the effort.

On Thursday morning, carried a story outlining how Tagger-Epstein intervened in a 2017 criminal case against a Rye resident and friend who was facing felony possession on weapons charges. On behalf of this suspect, she advocated with the Rye PD and the Westchester district attorney and attended a court hearing. She is facing criticism she used her then city council position in these actions.

The charges of inappropriate behavior are serious and the players include Tagger-Epstein, Cohn, the former Rye Public Safety Commissioner Michael Corcoran, The Rye PBA advocating for its officers and – in the article – two Democratic district leaders Emily Hurd and Diana Page – who are supporting Cohn in the mayoral race.

The timing of the story is also not an accident, a week after local political parties started to collect petitions to place their candidates on the ballot and as races start to heat up leading into the June primaries.

Read the LoHud story for more details (subscription required).



  1. Here is the content of the complaint sent by the President of the Rye PBA, Gabe Caputo, on Friday Nov. 30, 2018. This document is publicly available and was obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. The Rye resident who was arrested had an arsenal of dangerous weapons, and she intervened on his behalf because he’s a friend. Voters can read these facts and judge for themselves – but they should have the facts and not spin. This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with an elected official who acted unethically and put Rye residents in danger.
    Rye City PD PBA letter:
    “Mr. Mayor,
    We had an arrest in Rye last year and a suppression hearing was held Wednesday 12/28/2018 at the Westchester County Criminal Court in White Plains. The hearing was for suppressing the evidence leading to the arrest of this Rye resident. The evidence in question is two loaded semiauto hand guns (bullet in chamber), throwing stars, polymer knifes (sic), brass knuckles and extra 15 round clips for the hand guns. The resident in question was arrested after the weapons were discovered during a routine traffic stop. I cannot go into detail because it is an ongoing case.

    After the arrest Councilwoman Tagger-Epstein called Commissioner Corcoran and asked to get the charges dropped. She also contacted several people in the District Attorney’s Office and asked the same questions. That alone seems to be improper for a sitting council person to do. I do believe if any disciplinary actions of a serious nature arise Councilwoman Tagger-Epstein would be privileged to sit on the panel to review and impose consequences. A conflict of interest?

    During the above-mentioned hearing Councilwoman Tagger-Epstein attended in support of the defendant. It is a public hearing and her attendance would be fine if she wasn’t a sitting Councilwoman and sitting in the front row. The officer testifying took it as intimidation and question (sic) her intentions.

    These actions of Councilwoman Tagger-Epstein are seen as anti-police, unprofessional of a Councilwoman and unsupportive of the job the City of Rye Police Officers do on a daily basis to protect our residence (sic). Again I can’t emphasize enough these were illegally possessed handguns, loaded and ready to be used in a school zone.

    I thank you for your time and attention to this matter.
    Thank you,
    Gabe Caputo
    City of Rye
    PBA President

  2. Looking up the case, “defendant possessed two loaded and operable semi-automatic pistols, three large capacity ammunition feeding devices, and various Kung Fu stars and metal knuckles” and blood coagulant. I understand going to bat for a buddy but throwing around clout for something this egregious put our children and community in danger and shows extraordinarily poor judgement.

  3. Diana, that is simply not true. You should be ashamed of yourself. The NY State Court was clear about what actually happened. I understand that Josh is trying everything possible to keep people from looking too closely at his record in office, but this kind of political hatchet job on Danielle’s character doesn’t reflect our City’s values. We think it’s important that we listen to Rye residents on the issues that matter to them. Join us at

  4. “After the arrest Councilwoman Tagger-Epstein called Commissioner Corcoran and asked to get the charges dropped. She also contacted several people in the District Attorney’s Office and asked the same questions. That alone seems to be improper for a sitting council person to do.”

    Sounds like an elected representative advocating for a constituent she felt was improperly treated & charged. In my 6 decades here that was typically considered a council member duty – a duty in this era of extensive Rye City Hall corruption that has been sharply missing.

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