SAY HELLO: Eight Candidates for Three Board of Ed Spots on May 18th

The Rye City School District logoOn Tuesday, May 18th, the community will vote on the Rye City school district’s annual budget for the 2021-22 school year and will vote to elect three Board of Education members. The vote is in the RMS Gym; polling hours are 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (used to be 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.). The District is not mailing out ballots as it did last year during COVID. Voters can still request an absentee ballot.

Current Board members Callie Erickson and Chris Repetto have announced they will seek reelection; Kelly Smith-Powers will not. Eight candidates are on the ballot – their bios are shared below and will be running interviews with each candidate across the next week.

In addition, there will be a candidates forum moderated by the League of Women Voters on Thursday, May 6, at 7:00 p.m. (zoom link).

Meet your candidates:

Callie Erickson


Rye BOE Race 2021 Callie EricksonCallie Erickson has lived in Rye for 10 years with her husband and three children who attend Osborn and Rye Middle School. Callie has served for three years on the Board of Education and is running for a second term. Currently she serves as Audit Committee Chair and a member of the Policy Committee. She has volunteered on the City of Rye Finance Advisory Committee, as Treasurer of the Osborn Executive Board, on the Advisory Board of RPNS, and on the Rye Free Reading Room’s Auxiliary Board. Callie previously worked in Business Development and M&A at JPMorgan, Chancellor/AMFM, and IDT Entertainment. She has a BA from Princeton University and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.


Serving on the Board of Education for the past 3 years has been an extremely enjoyable, rewarding and challenging experience. During my Board term, I have strived to listen to the Rye community and bring a balanced and thoughtful opinion to examine issues from all perspectives. Further, as the Audit Committee Chair, I have utilized my finance background to help ensure the District operates as efficiently as possible and remains fiscally responsible, while still maintaining rigorous academic opportunities for all students. If re-elected, I would be thrilled and honored to represent the Rye community for another term.

Megan Escherich Evans


Rye BOE Race 2021 Megan E EvansMegan Escherich Evans is an eleven-year resident of Rye. Her daughter is in kindergarten at Milton and her son will attend Milton next year. Megan has worked in education her entire adult life. She started as a teacher, first in New York City and later at Waterside School in Stamford, where she has worked for twelve years. After a decade in the classroom, Megan became the Director of Placement and Alumni Support, and has worked closely with the School’s administration and board on strategic planning. Megan serves on the Auxiliary Board of The Rye Free Reading Room and volunteers at CCNS and Milton. She holds a MA from Bank Street School of Education and a BA from Dartmouth College.


“I have tremendous respect for the School Board, the administrators and faculty in Rye. I believe it’s important for board members to come in with an open mind, and be willing to listen to all issues objectively. I will draw from my experience working in schools to provide support and oversight to the Rye City Schools and their leadership. I will listen, ask the right questions, view issues from multiple perspectives and problem solve. Respectful and thoughtful discourse is essential to coming up with impactful solutions- this is exactly what we want to model for our own community of students.”

Kelsey Johnson


Rye BOE Race 2021 Kelsey JohnsonKelsey Johnson has lived in Rye since 2012 and has three children at Midland School and one child at Rye Presbyterian Nursery School.  She has been an active volunteer for a number of school and community organizations, including Midland Chair of Walk to School Week, Midland Auction Chair, Midland Fair Booth Chair, class parent and weekly Carver Center food pantry volunteer.  Kelsey is also Co-Chair of the Rye Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Committee.  Kelsey’s prior work experience was as a buyside equity analyst at Lombardia Capital Partners and MacKay Shields. She has a BA in Mathematics from the College of the Holy Cross and earned her CFA charter.


“As a parent of four children who will directly benefit from the quality of our schools over the next 14 years, I am heavily invested in the Rye City School District and it’s continued excellence.  The combination of my prior community service experience and my professional financial background has cultivated my solutions-oriented approach which, as a member of the school board, would allow me to prioritize processes, collaborate with the community, and advocate for the success of every student.  In this transformative moment, I am compelled to do my part to help turn challenges into opportunities for growth.”

Bozidar Jovanovic


Rye BOE Race 2021 Bozidar JovanovicBozidar has lived in Rye since 2004. He is an immigrant from Serbia who came to US in 1992. He has six children, one of whom is a RHS Class of 2013 graduate; one is in RHS, one in RMS and two in Osborn. He  has a PhD in Physics from Boston University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst. Bozidar spent 22 years  in investment management and currently runs his investment advisory firm Honey Badger Advisors.  Bozidar has a life long devotion to teaching. He spent a year teaching physics at Bard High School in NYC and eight years teaching finance at Manhattanville College, School of Professional Studies, where he  mentored over 20 students working on their Masters Theses.

I support quality public education where students are offered equal opportunity and encouraged to work to their highest abilities. The Board of Education is the steward of this education and must operate in a transparent manner. The parents should be considered partners in what is presented in the  classroom and allowed to voice their input without any fear of retribution. I will ensure that ideology  doesn’t dictate curricula and discourse in the classroom. The Board must also operate in a fiscally  responsible manner while serving all families of Rye, including those most vulnerable among us – children with special needs.

Laura Labriola


Rye BOE Race 2021 Laura LabriolaLaura is a 26-year resident of Rye and has two children and a step-daughter all of whom attended RCSD from kindergarten on.  Laura has over 20 years of construction management experience and currently works for Miller Pipeline, a major national construction firm.  She has experience in budgeting, cost control, contract management, union negotiations, timely, quality project completion, and construction-related insurance, bonding and legal settlements. Laura served as Rye All Inclusive Special Ed’s (RAISE) co-President for two years and has collaborated with the past four superintendents.  Laura also owns a horse farm, Sky Blue Stables, which offers horseback riding and equine therapy programs for special needs, at-risk youth and veterans.  Sky Blue Stables is currently offering spring internships for RHS seniors.


“With my construction expertise, I can be an asset to the community on the upcoming bond projects.  Ensuring projects come in on budget and on time will not only deliver an improved educational environment but also enhance Rye real estate values. I am also passionate about providing strong curriculum for all learners and transparency and inclusion in our schools.  As a long-time Rye resident, I feel my experience and values align with issues facing our district today, including budgeting, construction, growth and supporting a robust school system.  I welcome the opportunity to serve the community and further “The Rye Commitment.””

John D. Leonard


Rye BOE Race 2021 John LeonardJohn Leonard has been a Rye homeowner since 1978, and resident for more than 25 years. After graduating from Princeton and Harvard Business School with academic honors, his 42-year career as an equity analyst and portfolio manager focused on strategic analysis, financial governance, and public disclosure in the financial services sector. Since returning to Rye from London in 2012, he has served as Treasurer of the Rye Historical Society, and currently sits on their Knapp House Buildings and Grounds subcommittee. Outside interests include financial markets, gardening, and choral music/operetta, including Blue Hill Troupe performances in New York to raise funds for NYC charities.


Rye’s public schools are tremendous contributors to the quality of the Rye community. I believe their governance is best served by experienced leadership and broad community support. I favor greater public disclosure, input and debate before important decisions are taken, both financial and relating to educational policy. Most importantly, the best outcome for Rye will occur when all community interests – faculty/staff, parents, taxpayers, community — are vigorously represented and their perspectives incorporated before the Board takes action. The unanimity of recent Board decisions is troubling to me, as is the lack of transparency and open debate on many issues.

John Moschetti


Rye BOE Race 2021 John MoschettiJohn Moschetti, a 20 year Rye resident whose daughter attends RHS, has been an administrator for approximately 28 years in NYC.  John has supervised every position at the high school level as an Assistant Principal of Pupil Personnel, Special Education, Operations, and Instruction.  He has held policy positions such as an Executive Board member on the Council of School Supervisors and High School leadership Team in NYC.  John represented the Council of School Supervisors in C-30 hearings which have led to the hiring of Principals and Assistant Principals. Mr. Moschetti has held the position of the school’s Local OEO Coordinator as a designee of the NYC Office of Equal Opportunity. John holds a Master of Science in School Administration.


“I am excited to run for the Board of Education as the district and country enter a partisan political atmosphere where our children are at the other end of the political pendulum it is imperative to act now. My experience with the EOC and student discipline provides a mechanism to address bullying, harassment, and discrimination without disparaging all our students. I believe that fairness should be the measure we strive for all our students including special needs. Our tax burden is being felt by all.  Together, I would like to ensure our resources are utilized efficiently and wisely.”

Chris Repetto


Rye BOE Race 2021 Chris Repetto PhotoChris Repetto has lived in Rye for 18 years, is completing his third Board term, and is the proud parent of two RHS graduates and a current freshman. Chris currently serves as Facilities Committee Chair and on the Audit Committee.  Formerly he served as Board Vice President for two years, Finance Committee Chair, and on the Curriculum Council Committee. A 30-year veteran of global financial services and consulting, Chris is Senior Advisor to the Promontory Financial Group, advising large financial institutions regarding regulatory risk and compliance, cyber security, and technology risk. He has a BA in Economics/Psychology and a Graduate Certificate in Finance from the University of Rochester and an MBA from UVA’s Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.


“It has been a real honor and a true privilege to serve as one of the voices that helps guide the District as it strives to serve the individual needs of all students.  I deeply appreciate the trust placed in me by friends, neighbors, fellow parents, and community members. My many years of financial and consulting experience — and now my many years of Board experience — allow me to provide knowledgeable, strategic insight into the ever-evolving challenges and opportunities facing our District. I am eager for the opportunity to continue to serve using my skills and experience to support our District.”


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