Girls Varsity Track & Field Performs at Loucks Meet

Girls Varsity Track Loucks Meet White Plains 05-08-2021
Cameron Bibas (top left), Katie Coyne (top right), Sophia Shoemaker (bottom left), Maddy Childs (bottom right) of the Rye Girls Varsity Track & Field Team

Girls Varsity Track & Field competed at the Loucks Meet at White Plains on Saturday. “The girls ran a great race on a very cool and wet morning,” said Girls Varsity Track & Field Coach John McGee.

Katie Coyne placed second in open 400 meters in a time of 60.64. The mile relay team won Section One Mile Relay in a time of 4:14.07 with Cameron Bibas, Katie Coyne (top) Sophia Shoemaker, Maddy Childs.


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