SAY HELLO: John Moschetti, BOE Candidate

The Rye City School District logoOn Tuesday, May 18th, the community will vote on the Rye City school district’s annual budget for the 2021-22 school year and will vote to elect three Board of Education members. The vote is in the RMS Gym; polling hours are 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. (used to be 7:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.). The District is not mailing out ballots as it did last year during COVID. Voters can still request an absentee ballot.

There will be a candidates forum moderated by the League of Women Voters on Thursday, May 6, at 7:00 p.m. (zoom link).

Current Board members Callie Erickson and Chris Repetto have announced they will seek reelection; Kelly Smith-Powers will not. Eight candidates are on the ballot – we have shared their bios and now we will be introducing you to each candidate in a Q&A style interview: Callie Erickson, Megan Escherich Evans, Kelsey Johnson, Bozidar Jovanovic, Laura Labriola, John D. Leonard, John Moschetti, and Chris Repetto.

Today we introduce you to John Moschetti:

Rye BOE Race 2021 John MoschettiYour Name: John Moschetti Why are you running for school board?

Why are you running for school board now

Moschetti: I am running for the school board to ensure resources funnel to the classroom and students. My daughter is a Rye High school student and I would like schools to return to normal, safely with regard to Covid. I have worked tirelessly in other communities and would like to give back to my own.

Yes or No: did you support and vote for the $80 million school bond that passed in 2019?

Moschetti: The $80 million school bond, as I recall, I supported the proposal and voted yes. I would like to see the feasibility of refinancing the bond with these historically low rates.

Yes or No: Do you support and plan to vote in favor of the current as-proposed Superintendent’s Recommended Budget presented February 23rd of $94,237,421 million going to vote on vote on Tuesday, May 18th? [Note: This question was asked prior to the budget hearing on Tuesday, May 4th due to time constraints.] 

Moschetti: I would think the Superintendent has carefully reviewed the budget and his proposal is sound, but it would be irresponsible for me to give a Yes or No answer before the budget hearing on May 4th.

Please Answer the following questions Yes or No:

Question Moschetti: Yes or No
Does the quality of Rye schools contribute materially to the value of homes in Rye? yes
Do you, have you or will you have children in the Rye City School District? yes
Have you been, or will you be in the next six weeks, fully vaccinated against COVID-19? yes
Do you believe the school district has done a responsible and effective job of navigating the Coronavirus pandemic? yes

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests last year concerning stories about bias in our schools and community came out. Do you acknowledge these stories and believe we should actively address issues of bias? Yes, or No? 

The nation took a deep breath after the Floyd verdict and to answer your question stories real or perceived yes need to be investigated, but Instagram is not the proper platform. As a former LEOC local coordinator for the Office of Equal Opportunity, Schools have a mechanism in place to ensure a hostile free environment at the employee level, and at the student level which needs to be enforced. An Instagram account where people publicly display real or perceived bias is an inappropriate reporting mechanism. This places teachers and students serious danger from reprisals and will interfere with due process if discipline is necessary.

Are you supportive of the school district’s Race, Community, and Inclusivity Task Force, Yes, or No?

This is a mandated regulation by the New York State Education Department (NYSED) adopted recently by the Board of Regents as the “Framework for Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education”. We are implementing this in New York City without taxing our school’s budget. I would like Rye to do the same, funds belong in the classroom, not with the politicians.

What are the three biggest opportunities/challenges facing the Rye schools over the next 3-5 years?


  1. Ensure our school’s excellence and expand the Advanced Placement program. Ensure a growth mindset where all students are provided the opportunity and challenging education, encouraging risk to explore the more challenging environments to prepare for this at the Elementary and Middle school level.
  2. Control cost
  3. Rye High School is in the top 1 percent of public schools nationally. I would like our students proportionately accepted into the top-tier and Ivy League

What are the three biggest areas for cost containment with the Rye schools over the next 3-5 years? 


  1. Refinance existing debt and bonds with historically low-interest
  2. Keeping politicians away from our students and ensuring the resources reach the classroom by reviewing contracts and more importantly enforcing contacts.
  3. As an Assistant Principal of operations, I am experienced in comprehensive cost reviews and look forward to the May 4th budget hearing. As indicated earlier it would be irresponsible to speak without knowing the facts at hand.

Where did you go to grade school?

Moschetti: Saint Bartholomew

Who was your favorite teacher in grade school and why? 

Moschetti: It would be unfair to say I had a favorite teacher, many of my teachers selflessly instilled wisdom and character traits. They as my parents made me who I am today.

What is your favorite book?

Moschetti: “The Road Less Traveled” by Dr. Peck.

What are you watching these days? 

Moschetti: I enjoy business channels, history channels, and YouTube -DIY.

How many years have you lived in Rye? 

Moschetti: I have lived in for Rye 20 years. We have been here since 2001.

Please provide links to:

Your LinkedIn:

Your Twitter: N/A

Your Facebook: N/A

Your bio:

John Moschetti, a 20-year Rye resident whose daughter attends Rye High School, has been a teacher and administrator for approximately 28 years in NYC.  John has supervised every position at the high school level as an Assistant Principal Pupil Personnel (guidance), Special Education, Assistant Principal of Operations, and Instruction.  He has held policy positions such as an Executive Board member on the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators and represents Assistant Principals citywide. As a teacher, John was elected by his peers to the High School leadership Team at Columbus High School in NYC.  John represented the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators in C-30 hearings which have led to the hiring of Principals and Assistant Principals. Mr. Moschetti has held the position of the school’s Local Office of Equal Opportunity Coordinator as a designee of the NYC Office of Equal Opportunity.

John holds a Master of Science in School Administration and Supervision with Distinction, 2006, and a Master of Science in Education from Long Island University Westchester campus.

I am excited to run for the Board of Education as the district and the country enters a partisan political atmosphere where our children are at the other end of the political pendulum. I feel it is imperative to act now. I would like to keep the politics from our schools. My experience with the local Equal Opportunity Coordinator and student discipline provides a mechanism to address bullying, harassment, and discrimination without disparaging all our students. I believe that fairness should be the measure we strive for all our students including special needs. I would like an expansion of the 22 Advance Placement courses being offered. Our tax burden is being felt by all.  Together, I would like to ensure our resources are utilized efficiently and wisely. I appreciate your consideration when voting on May 18th for the Rye School Board.

Thanks John!


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