Letters of Pride: Jess Reisman, Island Drive
MyRye.com is publishing a series of letters of support for raising the Pride flag on City flagpoles. The letters were sent to the City ahead of the City Council voting to fly the flag, and are a matter of public record.
From: jessica reisman
Subject: Support for Pride flag rising
Date: April 21, 2021 at 11:54:34 AM EDT
To: “cjohnson@ryeny.gov” <cjohnson@ryeny.gov>, “ptarlow@ryeny.gov” <ptarlow@ryeny.gov>, “rmecca@ryeny.gov” <rmecca@ryeny.gov>, “jcohn@ryeny.gov” <jcohn@ryeny.gov>, “jsouza@ryeny.gov” <jsouza@ryeny.gov>, “bstacks@ryeny.gov” <bstacks@ryeny.gov>, “sgoddard@ryeny.gov” <sgoddard@ryeny.gov>
My name is Jessica Reisman. I live at – Island Drive in Rye, NY. I am whole- heartedly in support of the RHS GSA’s efforts to raise awareness and support by raising the Pride Flag in June in town. This effort would help to demonstrate the communities inclusive nature for all of its’ members.
Thank you in advance for you attention to this matter,
Jess Reisman