Letters of Pride: Liza Blumenthal Forbes, Midland Avenue
MyRye.com is publishing a series of letters of support for raising the Pride flag on City flagpoles. The letters were sent to the City ahead of the City Council voting to fly the flag, and are a matter of public record.
From: Liza Forbes
Subject: Raise the Pride Flag Please
Date: April 23, 2021 at 7:36:02 PM EDT
To: <jcohn@ryeny.gov>, <jsouza@ryeny.gov>, <bstacks@ryeny.gov>, <sgoddard@ryeny.gov>, <rmecca@ryeny.gov>, <ptarlow@ryeny.com>, <cjohnson@ryeny.gov>
Dear Mayor Cohn and City Council Members,
I am writing to ask you to please raise the Pride flag in June.
I heard you in the very long meeting — you all intend to and want to raise the flag. But the need for legal counsel doesn’t exactly send the same message.
I grew up in Rye, went to Milton/RMS/RHS, and just moved back with my husband and two young children. My parents still live here, my brother and sister in law (also from Rye) just moved back. This is my family’s home. But my main hesitation in raising my children here is the lack of inclusion that I felt as a youth in Rye, which is palpable still today based on the articulate students who spoke last night. (In addition to the horrific stories expressed via the BipocatRye Instagram account from last summer — but I digress.)
I commit to raising my children in an inclusive household. And I hope that they, and all members of the community, feel included outside of their homes and in the city of Rye as well. And that this is a place where LGBTQ+ and all minorities feel seen and accepted – and that the majority and “in-groups” foster a welcoming sense of inclusion.
The flag is such a simple way to show support.
Please do better! You have an opportunity to help and change the lives of so many here in our hometown. Thank you,
Liza Blumenthal Forbes
Midland Ave