Meet Suzanne Kelly Short, Interim Principal, Rye High School will be introducing readers to some of the new faces in the Rye City School District, and some others with new and expanding responsibilities. Today meet Suzanne Kelly Short, the Interim Principal at Rye High School.

Suzanne Short, Interim Principal of Rye High School
(PHOTO: Suzanne Short, Interim Principal of Rye High School.)

Your name: Suzanne Kelly Short

Your Title / Role: Interim Principal, Rye High School

Describe your role on a day-to-day basis.

Short: The position of Principal at Rye High School, like many high schools, has been evolving over time. On a daily basis, it is my hope that I serve as an instructional and motivational leader, get into classrooms to observe, and speak with the people in the RHS community. There are the overall logistics as well, but continuing to move everyone forward in a positive way is my primary focus.

What drew you into the field of education?

Short: No matter what has been going on in my life, learning new things has always allowed me to see the world with greater perspective and feeds my curiosity.

My greatest escapes were always books and music, and the idea of sharing my passions with others fulfills me in many ways. While the areas of learning have changed for me over time, I have never lost my motivation for and enjoyment in sharing insights and passions with colleagues and students.

(PHOTO: Suzanne Short, Interim Principal of Rye High School, navigating a ropes course with her two teenage boys.)
(PHOTO: Suzanne Short, Interim Principal of Rye High School, navigating a ropes course with her two teenage boys.)

What lessons did you learn early in your career that you still apply today?

Short: It may seem cliche, but everyone has a story. One of my first days teaching, I misread a student’s approach to a conversation as combative when he was really just struggling. I saw that we all come to the table with our individual experiences, thoughts and hopes, and that impacts how we approach every situation, whether we realize it or not. I try to remember that at all times, no matter with whom I am speaking. It allows me to grow and learn with people around me, and hopefully will help them to do the same.

How did you find your position in Rye and why did you decide it was the best place for you? 

Short: I am entering my 20th year of work at Rye High School. It’s a place that means a lot to me, and I am dedicated to the faculty, students, and community here. A lot has changed in my life the last couple of years, and when the opportunity for the position of Principal presented itself to me, I knew it was the right time to step up and play an important role in furthering the culture and instruction in a place I care about so much.

What are your three top priorities for the 2021-22 school year?


  1. Communication – I believe it is important to communicate with everyone involved in the school and around the school in order to have productive conversations and trust. One of my main focal points for this year is to put processes in place that allow for open, continuous dialogue that builds trust and respect.
  2. Active Engagement -Part of what makes education exciting and meaningful is involving everyone in the work being done within our schools and getting everyone to invest in that work. Much of this year will be spent setting up events and situations in which teachers, students, families, and community members help to make important decisions and invest in the learning at Rye High School.
  3. Community-Building – Once communication practices and engagement are in place, we will work to continue to build on the already amazing interactions and relationships that exist at RHS Transparency and partnership are key to a productive learning environment.

Over the last year, people have followed the recent Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ+ activity and news in Rye and around the world. What is your prescription for students, teachers and staff? How can the schools make the best positive contribution?

Short: An important part of my job as Principal of Rye High School, and any school administrator, is to make sure that every student in our building feels safe, welcome, and supported so they can do the important work of learning and becoming their best future selves. Getting to know individual kids – their needs, hopes, and dreams – has always been and will continue to be a big part of what I do at RHS.

(PHOTO: Suzanne Short, Interim Principal of Rye High School enjoying a day on the lake with one of her sons.)
(PHOTO: Suzanne Short, Interim Principal of Rye High School enjoying a day on the lake with one of her sons.)

Where did you grow up? 

Short: I grew up and went to High School in Brewster, NY, about an hour north of New York City.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Short: I truly am a constant learner, and so my hobbies list is always growing. My greatest passions include just about anything outdoors (running, hiking, kayaking), cooking, photography, music, reading, and painting.


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