In Memory: Alan Phillip Buegeleisen, Age 78

Obituary - Alan Phillip BuegeleisenAlan Phillip Buegeleisen, 71, died September 8, 2021 at home in Sarasota, FL.

Alan was an independent, smart, funny, free spirit whose life was deprived of adventure by a diagnosis of primary progressive Multiple Sclerosis 43 years ago when he was 28. He was cursed by this terrible disease, but blessed with his parents Abbott and Sally Buegeleisen, who were determined to provide the best care for him at home, first in Rye, NY and later for many years in Sarasota. His sister, Monia Joblin, joined them in 2004 and helped carry on that care for his last 17 years.

Alan looked forward to a career in resource management which he planned to pursue in his favorite part of the country, under the big skies of Colorado and Wyoming. But his stamina and ability to walk were compromised by the MS. Nonetheless, he never lost his enthusiasm for nature as he would marvel in all its variety from the oceans to the stars, for food as he directed us all how to improve every meal, for laughter as he enjoyed all kinds of jokes from the political to the offensive. He would be the first to agree that there might not be a distinction between those last categories. He kept up with the news every day, voted in every election and continued to have strong opinions about the world to the end.

He coped with his disabilities without bitterness or self-pity, bearing them valiantly and with unparalleled perseverance. In this, he was a teacher to everyone around him because to know him was to learn humility and the true value of life. He is predeceased by his parents and his beloved dog Loco. He is survived by his sister; his niece Sarah St.Germain, her husband Nate and their son Emmett of Somerville, MA; his cousin Ken Lempit of Norwalk, CT; his school friends from kindergarten through college; his most loyal nurse of 23 years Trudy Davis of Sarasota, and his other dedicated caregivers. Alan was a kind man, a mensch, much loved by his family and friends, all of whom are sad he is gone but relieved that his suffering is ended. To remember and honor him please consider a donation to The Alan Buegeleisen MS Research Fund, 374 Bobwhite Drive, Sarasota, FL 34236.


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