$16.5K Raised by Kirby Memorial Golf Tournament

The 30th Annual George J. Kirby Memorial Golf Tournament and Dinner was held on Monday, Sept 17, 2021. The event raised $15,200 for Rye senior citizen cultural, educational, and social programs.

The Kirby Golf Tournament raised an additional $1,300 for Rye Recreation Department’s summer camp scholarship fund. The organizing committee, Rye senior citizens and the Rye Recreation Department thanks all the sponsors for their generosity and support.

(PHOTO: Rye Veterans leading the audience of 150 in the Pledge of Allegiance. Left to Right: Hank Birdsall, Charlie Rosabella, Tim Moynihan Tom Bassista, Vinnie Ballantoni, Jim Dianni, Frank Harrigan.)
(PHOTO: Rye Veterans leading the audience of 150 in the Pledge of Allegiance. Left to Right: Hank Birdsall, Charlie Rosabella, Tim Moynihan, Tom Bassista, Vinnie Ballantoni, Jim Dianni, Frank Harrigan.)
(PHOTO: Golf outing attendees enjoyed a picnic too. Left to right: Mike Kennedy, Greta Lee, JoAnne Salvio.)
(PHOTO: Golf outing attendees enjoyed a picnic too. Left to right: Mike Kennedy, Greta Lee, JoAnne Salvio.)
(PHOTO: Golfers and RHS alumni. Left to right: Bo Harrigan, George Kennedy, Mike Kennedy, Dennis O'Keefe.)
(PHOTO: Golfers and RHS alumni. Left to right: Bo Harrigan, George Kennedy, Mike Kennedy, Dennis O’Keefe.)

Platinum Sponsors
Peter Donahue
Slater’s Market DBA Post Road Market-Matt & Mary Slater
Mt Carmel Pharmacy- Armand Paganelli
Francis Harrigan Jr.
Jeremy & Angela Flug

Gold Sponsors
Jay Lavelle
Richard Runes
The Osborn Foundation
Crozier Gedney Architects
Consign of the Times-Carin Kirby
Rags- Martha’s Vineyard

Silver Sponsors
Metro Forms-Chris Maloney
Kerry & Joe Sack
Rye Beach Pharmacy
Rye Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary
Rye Ford Subaru
Jerry and Martha McGuire
James Lavelle
Kerry & Jacqueline Lenihan
Kelly’s Sea Level- Jerry McGuire
Post Road Market Wine & Liquor
The Rye Record
KDM Enterprises
Dennis Newman
The Town Dock
Eileen Coughlin (memory of Chris Sherry)
Tim Cunningham (memory of Frank Byrne)

Bronze Sponsors
Nuclear Pool Service- Bart DiNardo
Greenwood Union Cemetery
The Rye Roadhouse
MacKenzie Electrical Contractors
Graham Funeral Home
MVP Basketball Camps
George & Linda Kirby
Steve Feeney
Thomas Maloney
Steve & Martha Otis
Stephen P. O’Shea
Ed Collins
Carpet Trends
Rosabella Realty
Rye Fire Police Patrol
Rye Brook Collision- Joe Lampert
Doug Mello
Michael & Constance Tierney
Mack & Linda Cunningham
Hank & Isabelle Birdsall
Charlie Rosabella
Jay Altmeyer


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