$16.5K Raised by Kirby Memorial Golf Tournament
The 30th Annual George J. Kirby Memorial Golf Tournament and Dinner was held on Monday, Sept 17, 2021. The event raised $15,200 for Rye senior citizen cultural, educational, and social programs.
The Kirby Golf Tournament raised an additional $1,300 for Rye Recreation Department’s summer camp scholarship fund. The organizing committee, Rye senior citizens and the Rye Recreation Department thanks all the sponsors for their generosity and support.
Platinum Sponsors
Peter Donahue
Slater’s Market DBA Post Road Market-Matt & Mary Slater
Mt Carmel Pharmacy- Armand Paganelli
Francis Harrigan Jr.
Jeremy & Angela Flug
Gold Sponsors
Jay Lavelle
Richard Runes
The Osborn Foundation
Crozier Gedney Architects
Consign of the Times-Carin Kirby
Rags- Martha’s Vineyard
Silver Sponsors
Metro Forms-Chris Maloney
Kerry & Joe Sack
Rye Beach Pharmacy
Rye Fire Dept. Ladies Auxiliary
Rye Ford Subaru
Jerry and Martha McGuire
James Lavelle
Kerry & Jacqueline Lenihan
Kelly’s Sea Level- Jerry McGuire
Post Road Market Wine & Liquor
The Rye Record
KDM Enterprises
Dennis Newman
The Town Dock
Eileen Coughlin (memory of Chris Sherry)
Tim Cunningham (memory of Frank Byrne)
Bronze Sponsors
Nuclear Pool Service- Bart DiNardo
Greenwood Union Cemetery
The Rye Roadhouse
MacKenzie Electrical Contractors
Graham Funeral Home
MVP Basketball Camps
George & Linda Kirby
Steve Feeney
Thomas Maloney
Steve & Martha Otis
Stephen P. O’Shea
Ed Collins
Carpet Trends
Rosabella Realty
Rye Fire Police Patrol
Rye Brook Collision- Joe Lampert
Doug Mello
Michael & Constance Tierney
Mack & Linda Cunningham
Hank & Isabelle Birdsall
Charlie Rosabella
Jay Altmeyer