Where I Work: Rye High School’s Susan Reid Dullea
Where I Work showcases people who work in Rye. The feature is inspired in part by exploring how the pandemic has impacted our work environment and part by wanting to understand how and where people work inside the City of Rye.

Your Name: Susan Reid Dullea
Your Company: Rye City Schools
MyRye.com: What do you do?
Reid Dullea: Director of Health, Physical Education, and Athletics
Where do you work?

Reid Dullea: I work primarily out of the high school where my office is located; however, I float between all K-12 buildings as I supervise teachers K-12.
Describe your desk and office.
Reid Dullea: My desk is uniquely present, as I am located at CAB (Central Administration Building) due to Summer construction at the high school. But typically while in the high school, my desk sits in a back office, behind my administrative assistant Donna Sorkin. I have a large window where I not only get great sunlight, but I am able to look out and view students in Physical Education classes, recess, and athletics after school.

I have many pictures of friends and family as they are constant reminders of positive memories. My mentor Martha Slack is also in a special picture, as she is a constant reminder of where I came from. Dr. Liam Frawley, a former Athletic Administrator in the South Orangetown Schools is also present on a plaque. Dr. Frawley suffered a devastating illness that does not allow him to continue in the profession. He is also a reminder of why “I do what I do” and provides comfort and motivation in a simple viewing of his plaque daily.
There are quotes everywhere as I find my reason why. One of my favorites is “Be the person you needed when you were younger” along with Maya Angelou’s “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Books range from leadership models to educational insight…my favorite book is Joe Ehrmans’ Inside out Coaching Milestones – I humbly reply with an award from the New York State Athletic Administrators Association – Apple Award for service; Athletic Administrator of the year for 2019, Conference Planner and Massena Hall of Fame – along with my letter “M”– my varsity letter from high school.