Ten (10) COVID Cases Across All Five Schools

The Rye City School District reported ten (1) new COVID cases across all five Rye schools on Friday evening.

COVID-19 germ Rye schools

From: Eric Byrne
Date: Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 7:04 PM
Subject: A Message from the Superintendent
To: Rye City School District Recipients

Dear RCSD Community,

For the time being, I will be sending out one notification of positive cases to the community each night, rather than sending individual school notifications. As a reminder, you can see the complete log of notifications on the COVID page of the District’s website.

The District was informed today of the following individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19:

  • 1 individual at Rye High School – last in school December 17 – no additional school-related contract tracing or quarantines required
  • 4 individuals at Rye Middle School – one last in school on December 14, one on December 15, and two on December 16 – no additional school-related contract tracing or quarantines required
  • 3 individuals at Midland School – one last in school on December 14 and two on December 15 – no additional school-related contract tracing or quarantines required
  • 1 individual at Milton School – last in school on December 14 – no additional school-related contract tracing or quarantines required
  • 1 individual at Osborn School – last in school on December 17 – no additional school-related contract tracing or quarantines required

The individuals are currently in quarantine. Due to federal health privacy laws, additional information about the individuals cannot be released.

Please be assured that we will continue to do everything in our power to keep the Rye City School District community safe.


Eric Byrne, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools


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