In Memory: Rose (Karen) Meriwether Lewis Kroger, Age 95

Obituary - Rose (Karen) Meriwether Lewis KrogerRose (Karen) Meriwether Lewis Kroger. 1926-2022.

Karen passed away peacefully on January 14th at her home in Tuscaloosa, AL. Beloved wife of Capt. Bruce G. Kroger, USN, (dec’d 1990); mother of Priscilla Paige Latta and Bruce “Greg” Kroger Jr (dec’d 2002); grandmother of Andrew Lewis Latta; and friend. Karen lived a full and rich life, living in many places, and traveling the world. She grew up in Coral Gables, FL (Miss Coral Gables at 16), became a Powers model in NYC, and offered a contract with Columbia Pictures, but turned it down because she didn’t want to have to kiss all those “nasty, old men”! She chose instead to marry Bruce Kroger in 1945, and lived in many colorful places such as Newport, RI; Panama; Naples, Italy; Virginia; Key West; Washington, DC; Rye, NY; and Boca Raton, FL.

A beauty all her life she always said “pretty is as pretty does”. Her intellect and curiosity kept her interested in all things, reading the newspaper voraciously to her last days. She loved all music and had a beautiful soprano voice, serenading the family with arias and Italian favorites while making breakfast. She adored her pets and supported many animal rescue leagues. She’s now hitting that high C with the angels, surrounded by all her many loved ones. What a party that must be!


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